Having kids really makes me think about the old fashioned values I learned from my parents and extended family as a child.
Don't interrupt
Always give up your seat for someone older, less able bodied or pregnant
Hold the door to make sure no one is behind you
Say excuse me
Use rules pertaining to right of way
Eat at the table
Don't use foul language
Use proper grammar
Invite everyone to play
If you have something for one you should have it for all
The guest gets the toy
If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all
Respect adults and address them properly
And on and on...
Where did all of these values go? Were they terrible in some way that I don't know about? Why aren't we still practicing these things? I hope my children will see these things in me and put them in practice. For the sake of humankind I hope other mamas do the same.